Friday, 30 December 2011

What are you doing wrong?

To achieve the result that you desire in any situation, you have to do the things that produce that result, yes this is obvious but more importantly, you have to stop doing the things, that produce the results that you don't want! If you have results today that are undesirable, then you have taken actions to get those results! If we accept this and take responsibility for it, then we have a great advantage in achieving the results that we do want. But if we (emotionally) baulk at this and let blame, guilt and judgement get in the way, then we we will simply keep achieving the results that we have all ready got.

Nobody wants to be in the wrong, nobody wants to be to blame, nobody wants to be judged harshly, these are sometimes just too painful to bear and this is the great pitfall for those with a chronic disease. In order to escape the perceived painful emotions of taking responsibility, we refuse to take responsibility for our diseases and the condition that we find our selves in. And so change is prevented. Different results, the ones that we desire, become almost impossible to achieve for we unconsciously will resist change and healing cancer for example requires a massive change.

The body can heal, it is an innate ability. You don't need to do this or that to heal. You have to stop doing what you are doing wrong! This may be unpalatable but it is undeniably the starting point. Until you stop doing what you are doing wrong, how can you expect different results?

Posted by Healing Cancer

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