Wednesday, 19 October 2011

The Unconventional Research of Dr Cornelius Moerman

The Unconventional Research of Dr Cornelius Moerman
Dr Moerman was a university trained doctor and a self trained biochemist whose determination to solve the
mystery surrounding cancer began while he was a medical student in 1927.

In an examination as a student, he was asked by his examiner, Professor Tendeloo of Leyden, his opinion as
to the cause of cancer. Moerman replied that he found conventional theories unsatisfactory and said that he
thought the cause of cancer could perhaps be in a local disturbance in metabolism which may have its origin in
an abnormal condition of the whole body.

Unaware that not far away in Germany, Dr Warburg and Dr Gerson could have furnished him with a lot more of
the knowledge he was seeking, in 1930 Dr Moerman commenced medical practice in Vlaardingen, Holland,
determined to resolve the problem of cancer. Assistance came from an unexpected source: he received a
communication from wine growers in which it was claimed that the number with cancer in the wine growing
district was much lower than in places where there was little wine consumed. Moerman reflected that perhaps
the citric acid and iodine contained in wine may have a favourable effect on an otherwise deficient metabolism.

Dr Moerman realised that the real solution to the cancer problem was not simply finding an explanation for the
disease, but lay in changing people’s fixed ideas, a task which could be compared to converting Muslims into
Christians or vice versa. It has been a slow process, still with a long way to go.

The main thrust of Dr Moerman’s argument was not to sell the idea of a "cancer cure", but to get people to
realise that cancer cannot under any circumstances arise in healthy tissue: cancer arises only in tissue which
has become degenerated for one or more reasons. Direct and convincing proof of this fact has been
demonstrated by Dr Gerson and a number of other researchers, and is again described by Moerman:

If we make a burn on the back of a healthy rat or mouse, this wound will heal in the normal way.
If then we subject the same rat or mouse to a prolonged action of carcinogenic substances and
we make another burn (or an injury such as a cut) on its back, a violent morbid growth of real
carcinoma will develop.
With this we have come to the question: How must we explain this cancer growth? Cancer tissue
develops on places which have suffered an injury, followed by regeneration, which means that
embryonic cells are formed. And we know that the embryonic metabolism is part based on
fermentation. For these cells to grow into normal cells they must be able to breathe. In a healthy body
healing will follow a normal course, but will not do so in an organism where through prolonged inferior
feeding the substances it needs are lacking or made inactive by carcinogenic substances which have
injured the oxygenating power of the cells. The cells then will continue to ferment, they will continue on
a low (anaerobic) level of development and will grow independent.

Dr Moerman then directs our attention to another experiment, one that involved the entire population of Holland
and which commenced in 1940 and continued for ten years. The people of Holland were not consulted; the
experiment, unplanned, was set in motion by the German occupation during World War II. As the war progressed,
food became in short supply in Europe, particularly in countries largely dependent on imports from overseas.
Holland was one such country in which to avoid starvation people had to rely on locally produced food. Meat and
dairy products became almost unprocurable because their production took up too much land, and people were
forced to switch to a diet mainly of vegetables, and wholemeal and rye bread.

The most profound result of the change in diet was evident in The Hague, where death rates from cancer dropped
sharply from a figure of 180 per 100,000 deaths to 125 per 100,000 deaths in 1945 at the war’s end. In 1945
normal food supplies started to become available again. What then happened? The death rates from cancer
climbed upwards; by 1950 they had climbed 160 per 100,000 deaths and have continued to rise ever since.

In regard to the list of nutrients considered especially indispensable by Dr Moerman for healthy cell metabolism,
his further research indicated the importance of aneurin (thiamine or vitamin B1), lactoflavin (riboflavin, or vitamin B2),
nicotinic acid amide (nicotinamide) and pantothenic acid.

In regard to telltale signs of pre-cancer or early cancer, in addition to the signs Moerman listed from the beginning,
he later placed great emphasis on the appearance in the blood of virus-like microorganisms, which was the origin
of the once widely held virus theory of cancer.

As already described, the appearance of the microorganisms is a feature common to many chronic conditions, and
as chronic degeneration of body chemistry is a prerequisite for cancer, many physicians, by observing the degree
to which microorganisms have proliferated, can assess the probability of impending cancer. In all cancer patients
the proliferation is intense, and from this fact arose the theory that the "virus" actually caused the cancer, a theory
that has years ago been disproved.

To observe the virus, a blood sample must be examined under a microscope at the magnification of x 10,000.
Correct use of this method of diagnosis is far more dependable than biopsy, Moerman asserts, because it is more
accurate and can be performed in a few minutes from a minute blood sample taken from anywhere in the body.
Moreover, the test is much safer than biopsy, during which there is a grave danger of cancer cells, if there are any,
being liberated into the circulation to form secondary metastases elsewhere.

The presence of the so-called virus throughout the entire circulation clearly demonstrates that whatever cancer
growth may be present it is a secondary effect of the primary constitutional disorder.

Extract from Ross Horne's Book - "Cancerproof your Body" - Now out of print
We recommend Ross's latest excellent books, enquire at your local book store.

posted by How to Heal Cancer

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