Cancer - The Deadly Lie
Within the hallowed halls of western medical grandeur, accomplishment, and renown intellectual
ability runs a deep seated and dangerously backward cord; a cord hidden behind all that is good about
our medical establishment and the caring professional that seek only to heal though their hands are tied;
a thread driven by money and politics; A thread that makes it necessary to warn: Where cancer is
concerned DO NOT let your Oncologist, or anyone under the thumbs of the all mighty AMA and
their well-fed and trained FDA watchdogs, be your only source of information. An Oncologist can
and will tell you a lot about cancer, if you have it, where it is, what kind it is, how far along it is and so forth
but the one thing an Oncologist cannot tell you is how to cure your cancer. He or she will tell you to
cut it out and then poison what is left with highly toxic chemotherapy drugs and then, when that has failed
(and it fails over 93% of the time) use radiation to burn it out, all of which are dangerously ineffective. I
would not let someone I care about get near such protocols save for the surgery needed to remove a
tumor that is interfering with the function of another vital organ.
Broaden your horizons, the world is full of top notch Health Care Professionals, Doctors, Scientists,
and Researchers, ranging from the humble to the noble laureate and beyond, as well as thousands of
written sources of information, all of whom will refute what your Oncologist is required by law to tell you.
There are many thousands who are still alive after having told their Oncologist that they are not interested
in the course of action they prescribe and/or having been told by their Oncologist that there is nothing
more they can do and to go home and prepare to die. The Internet can tell the story.
Read more from the website
posted by How to Heal Cancer
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