Thursday, 20 October 2011

Health Resources for those with Cancer

Health Resources for those with Cancer, compiled by Margaret S. Arndt
10/23/06 (updated 9/21/11)

Premises to why we contract disease, namely cancer

1. One of the primary causes of disease is a compromised immune system - whether due to:

a). Physical imbalance due to poor diet, lack of exercise and/or a toxic environment,

b.) Emotional imbalance due to stress, anger, resentment, fear, depression, etc.,

c.) Mental imbalance due to lack of consciousness and awareness and subsequently poor lifestyle choices,


d.) Spiritual imbalance due to a need to address soul issues and experience a spiritually awakened life.

2. If one could understand the source and the cause of one's pain or disease, it makes sense that one would be able to better address one’s pain or disease. This is based on the wisdom that pain is life's messenger to awaken oneself to its source and to a “healing path”, to positive action with one's lifestyle choices.

Otherwise, one is likely to be prone to not take responsibility for one’s life, to being a "victim", to turning over one's power to others.

3. Cancer is a local manifestation of a systemic disease, and one must change the factors that caused it. If the underlying cause of pain and disease such as cancer is not addressed, then pain and disease could perpetuate, regardless of treatments provided.

4. We all have cancer cells in our bodies. Whether or not our bodies rid them depends on the strength of our immune systems. Healthy cells give up attacking cancer cells, and cancer cells invade healthy cells when our immune systems are compromised. The primary task in healing oneself therefore is the building and strengthening of our immune systems! Healthy bodies discharge. Unhealthy bodies accumulate toxins and get sick.

5. Our bodies are naturally self-rejuvenating, depending upon what we put into our bodies. We actually don’t contract disease. We allow disease to develop due to our lifestyle choices, particularly diet, which affects the blood terrain and the level of toxicity and dehydration in our bodies. Cancer is actually a deficiency disease caused by malnutrition, dehydration and stress, and can be prevented or reversed through a change in our diets and lifestyle. Our bodies need everything we can give it naturally and nutritionally to detoxify, cleanse and heal itself to a state of homeostasis.

6. It has been proven that cancer cells cannot live in an alkaline, oxygenated environment, and that on the other hand cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment. Whether the environment of our bodies is alkaline or acidic is a direct result of our diets. For information on alkaline and acidic foods, see the following. Note that an excess of sugar, fat and protein suppresses the immune system.

7. Removal of unhealthy cells (i.e., through chemotherapy, radiation and surgical removal of vital organs) may or may not contribute to the prospects of wellness, but needs to be weighed with the risk of destroying healthy cells and adversely affecting the immune system - the very system needed to be well -, in effect causing the cancer or the spreading of cancer. Again, if the underlying cause of disease is not addressed, namely a compromised immune system to begin with, then any aggressive medical procedures can be ineffectual.

8. Anything that compromises the immune system diminishes one’s ability to heal oneself. One must have or develop a strong immune system to heal.

9. There is compelling evidence that one’s mental, emotional and spiritual states affect one’s physical state.

10. CONCLUSION: A holistic approach to wellness is imperative.
In light of these premises, the following is a list of resources that:
  1. Support these premises
  2. Provide methods to enhance one’s immune system and create an alkaline, oxygenated environment.
  3. Provide information and testimonials on alternative therapies, including therapies that are combined with traditional approaches, with proven results.

It is with great hope that this information can help to restore one’s health and save lives! Make a difference and pass it on! If you have more to contribute, please contact me. Thank you!

Compiled by:

Margaret S. Arndt

Advocate for greater awareness

(617) 964-2951

Posted by Heal Your Cancer

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