Monday, 17 October 2011

The New Medicine of Dr Hamer by Walter Last

This is a must read for those that want a deeper and correct understanding of Cancer.
Philip Martin

Dr Hamer had an exceptionally high success rate with his cancer therapy, by far the highest I have seen of any therapy. During one of several trials of the persecuted Dr Hamer the public prosecutor (Wiener-Neustadt in Austria) had to admit that after 4 to 5 years 6,000 out of 6,500 patients with mostly advanced cancer were still alive. That is over 90%, almost a reversal of the results to be expected after conventional treatment of advanced conditions.

Dr Hamer started his cancer research when he developed testicle cancer after his son was shot dead. He wondered if his son’s death was the cause of his cancer. Subsequently he investigated and documented over 15,000 cases of cancer and always found the following characteristics to be present, which he termed the Iron Rules of Cancer.

The Iron Rules of Cancer

1. Every cancer and related disease starts as a DHS that is a Dirk Hamer Syndrome, which is a serious, acute-dramatic and isolating conflict-shock-experience. It manifests simultaneously on three levels, psyche, brain and organ.

2. The theme of the psychic conflict determines the location of the focus or HAMER Herd in the brain, and the location of the cancer in the organ.

3. The course of the psychic conflict correlates with the development of the HAMER Herd in the brain, and the course of the cancer in the organ.

At the moment of the conflict-shock a short circuit occurs in a pre-determined place of the brain. This can be photographed with computed-tomography (CT) and looks like concentric rings on a shooting target or like the surface of water after a stone has been dropped into it. Later on, if the conflict becomes resolved, the CT image changes, an edema develop, and finally scar tissue.

How specific and precisely located these brain lesions are may be seen from the following. After a professional lecture a doctor handed him the brain CT of a patient and asked to explain it. From this Dr Hamer diagnosed the patient to have a fresh bleeding bladder carcinoma in the healing phase, an old prostate carcinoma, diabetes, an old lung carcinoma and sensory paralysis in a specific area, in addition to the corresponding emotional conflicts.

Amazingly, Dr Hamer was able to show that at the same time as the concentric brain lesion appears also the target organ CT may show such a concentric lesion. According to Dr Hamer this happens instantly when the psychic shock hits the subconscious level and this same second is the start of cancer. However, also other diseases can be caused by the same mechanism. How severe a disease becomes may depend on other psychological, energetic and nutritional factors but its nature and location are determined by the content of the conflict shock.

Hamer believes that the correlation between key emotional shock events, the target brain areas and the related organs has developed as an adaptation of our human evolution from similar programs in the animal world. When we unexpectedly experience emotional distress, an emergency repair program is set in motion, a biological conflict program with the aim of returning the individual to normal. Such programs can even apply to families or other groups.

Hamer gives the following example. A mother sees her child in a bad accident. In evolutionary terms small children recover faster when they receive extra milk. Therefore, the biological conflict program tries to stimulate milk production by increasing the number of breast cells. If the mother is right-handed, that will instantly cause the appearance of a Hamer Herd in a specific part of her right brain, which in turn relates to the left breast. When the child is well again, conflict resolution begins and extra milk is no longer needed. The mother gets a benign form of tuberculosis in that breast which breaks up the excess breast cells. However, if the mycobacteria required for this are lacking, then the area may just calcify and remain as a dormant tumor.

The same process applies also to animals. A sheep that loses its lamb to a wolf is prone to develop teat cancer; the side depends on whether it is right or left footed. However, commonly the sheep resolves this conflict by bearing another lamb.

The following example may illustrate the original survival value of this mechanism. Lets assume a lion chases an antelope. The antelope must immediately mobilize all its resources to survive. The sympathetic nervous system takes over and in addition a specific brain center becomes active that stimulates lung activity. After the successful escape the animal rests and the parasympathetic nervous system becomes dominant for a while to normalize body functions.

If instead a human gets a cancer diagnosis, even if the diagnosis is wrong, the same biological program is set in motion by the same fear of death that helped the animal to escape. The stress level jumps and the brain-lung connection is activated but now there is nowhere to run. Until the conflict is resolved, which may take years, there will be constant stress as well as brain-induced stimulation of lung activity, which now takes the form of increasing lung capacity by the incessant division of cells.

This process can only be stopped by switching off the trigger in the brain through defusing the original conflict shock. This happens when the patient subsequently has surgery or natural therapy, which he or she fully believes will lead to a cure. However, the same procedure in a patient who has doubts about its effectiveness will leave the conflict unresolved and the disease to progress. Thanks to Dr Hamer’s work, this is no longer just an unsubstantiated assumption but rather scientific fact that can be verified anytime with a CT brain scan.    

read the entire article here
posted by Heal Cancer

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