Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Trust yourself in Healing Cancer

Trust yourself in Healing Cancer

By Philip Martin

Trusting in yourself, is a very major component in the ability to have a wonderful, healthy and happy life, though this quality really slips under the radar. In healing cancer, the ability to trust yourself is part of the healing process. It is not just a tool that assists the healing process but self trust is an intrinsic aspect of the healing process itself. When working one on one with a client, whether the client has chronic disease, emotional issues or wants an improvement in an area of their life, what is required at a deep level is that the person needs to access their latent qualities of trust (in oneself), self control, self reliance and love.
Though it is easy to access and have them develop these qualities to their full or required potential, the importance of these qualities is greatly misunderstood.
We will just look at trust today and like all words, they are labels and you will have your own unique perception of what the word means to you and you will have a history or story concerning the particular word.
I wonder what your story is regarding trust. If you really think and reflect on the word trust and feel what trust means to you, then you will discover something of importance for yourself.
Do you trust yourself fully? Be willing to explore this question, you may find it painful to explore too deeply but it is a very important question to ask and more importantly to know the answer. Lack of trust in oneself is the result of not knowing oneself and therefore fearing parts of oneself. Almost everyone fears parts of themself and this is unfortunate as it is totally unnecessary and damaging.
Trust in yourself can develop very quickly with the help of a skilled therapist or you can nurture and develop it by being more aware of yourself, especially those parts of yourself that you don’t want to know! What’s that? You really don’t want to know some parts of yourself, for you spent your whole life trying to get rid of them or to forget them. How much of yourself have you divorced yourself from?
Each part that is divorced from you, suffers. Each one of those parts is in agony, feels rejected and is wounded. You may think those parts are bad, evil, unworthy etc but trust me, they are not. There is no part of You that is bad, wrong or faulty. There may be bad behavior, you are responsible for your behavior, BUT you are not your behavior. I do not have the space here to go into how and why behavior occurs. My book ‘Life Patterns – The Secret to emotional Freedom’ goes into detail on human behavior.
How do feel when you are rejected and not wanted? Yet, when you reject parts of yourself, where are all those painful feelings, all those feelings of hurt? They are in you somewhere for they belong to you, they are yours!
Please, do something nice for yourself, find a part that you don’t like, not one that is too deep and buried but a shallow one and just acknowledge this part of yourself. Have the intention to know that part and be aware of that part. Then accept that, that part is there. Do not criticize or judge the part, just realize that a part of You is there and is hurting. Realize that, that part needs love. Now, Love that part, for it is a part of you! Tell that part that you are sorry, sense the identity of that part, it will be a younger you, imagine this younger you and ask if it is willing to be loved by you.
Give this part a hug and a cuddle and enjoy.
When this occurs, this part is healed and a small part of the cancer is healed for this little wounded self is no longer producing the feelings of hurt and rejection and the corresponding stress, trauma and chemicals associated with them.
As this part is no longer rejected, you incidentally have more self trust and more of you is in harmony and connected rather than fragmented. The more you heal these little parts of yourself the more trust you have in yourself.
Trust in yourself has a great influence on your quality of health, life and happiness, as trust in yourself has the unconscious meaning that you are worthy of (quality)living.
Trust that you can heal cancer, trust that you can heal your life, trust that you can, trust you are you.
‘And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.’
 -- Friedrich Nietzsche
posted by cancer cure

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