Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Change your pattern – Change your life

Change your pattern – Change your life

As I have stated often, healing occurs as a result of a change in pattern, the pattern is how you operate/function in life. The guiding principle of the pattern is a direction, a pathway to the future. Human nature like all things operates according to universal laws, one of them is the conservation of energy, a principle of this law is the path of least effort, to be efficient, not necessarily effective, and expend the least energy. We form patterns of existing that are reflective and in harmony with the direction of our life. The direction and pattern of existence is firmly in place by the time we are six years old.

We will adhere to that direction for the rest of our lives, it is efficient and so we subconsciously follow the path ahead and ‘come what may’, and our future is on that pathway. Unless something happens that forces us off that pathway.

A change in that pathway/direction is a result of a life changing event, something occurs that results in the pattern/direction and future becoming invalid and a reworking or transformation of the pattern occurs and so a new direction and therefore future occurs.

Following is an example of a change of pattern/direction/pathway and future, it is from Milton Erickson a brilliant hypnotherapist and a truly great understander of human nature and the patterns involved. Though he was not involved in the therapeutic undertakings, he recounts these events, as written in the book ‘Phoenix – Therapeutic Patterns of Milton H. Erickson’ by David Gordon & Meyers-Anderson.

 Milton Erickson tells the story of a man named Joe. Joe was one bad dude.
Read the whole story here

Posted by Healing Cancer

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