"So, there I was hurling through the air at 600 miles per hour - 33,000 feet above the earth - when suddenly.
WHAM!!! It hit me!!!"
I was struck, by a complete, unimaginable, crystal-clear line of thought!
From the desk of Dr. Alex Loyd, N.D., M.S.
The following is a true story.
Like most folks, when I'm riding in an airplane, I usually read, listen to music, maybe just doze off. But, not this time. This time, something very special happened to me, that changed my life forever, and that's exactly what it can do for you.
You see for 12 very long, and hard, years, my dear wife, Tracey, had been suffering from a severe clinical depression. We went to every specialist, and tried every known remedy, but nothing lasted.
We also tried some promising new drugs, but the side effects, were so horrible that we could not continue. I even went back to graduate school, in hopes of finding or creating a new solution for clinical depression. But, once again, the results for my wife were only temporary.
However, on this particular plane ride home, all that was about to change. And, what happened next, can only be described as the answer to my prayers. Because, all at once, there it was - the actual blueprint for the solution for my wife's clinical depression. And I believe to anyone's clinical depression.
After all the searching, struggling, studying, hoping and praying, at last I had the solution. I rushed home from the airport, and immediately began applying, this new technique together with my wife. Within 45 minutes, she was a new person. With a little more work over the next three weeks, she shed her depression and now, should you meet her, you would never be able to imagine this bubbling woman was ever depressed.
My wife was free, of the devastating effects of the clinical depression that had plagued her for 12 long years. I then began using this "blueprint" with the clients I had in my private practice. And, I would soon discover, that this blueprint could be used, to create a pathway for the body to "heal itself from any illness".
It was the very code, by which the body actually heals, all on it's own.
It was in fact, the "Healing Codes" itself!
And, Now, you can discover how to:
o Super Charge your immune system.
o Help your body heal itself.
o Turn on your natural healing systems to heal your pain, stress, fear, depression and disease.
o Turn your body's cells from Protect Mode to Growth Mode. In growth mode, your body's cells can protect you from or heal almost anything.
"Dr. Alex Loyd has the defining healing technology in the world today - It (the Healing Codes) will revolutionize health. It is the easiest way to get well, and stay well, fast. Dr. Loyd may very well be the Albert Schweitzer of our time." - Mark Victor Hansen - Co-author "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book series. |
Stress is nothing new, but this is.
Recommended Reading
Even the conservative Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that 85 percent of all diseases have an emotional element. And I believe the actual percentage is much higher.
It is not surprising that Dr. Hamer has been persecuted for trying to publicize his GNM findings that solving an emotional conflict is the first step to healing disease. Most all new theories, particularly those that go against recommending drugs, surgeries, and conventional treatments, go through this. It makes complete intuitive sense that the stress of receiving a negative prognosis -- "You have six months to live" -- would be enough to make a person give up hope entirely.
And, of course, once your mind gives up hope, your physical body will follow.
Fortunately for you, the converse also holds true.
If you tend to focus on pain, misery and grief, you will tend to experience and attract more of that into your life. Alternatively, if you keep your focus on what you want to experience and put some energy into healthy lifestyle choices, your body really doesn't have much of a choice. Before you know it you will start to feel much better.
Quite simply, it's one of the most amazing and remarkable transformations that you could possibly imagine.
If allowing your body to heal itself by resolving your emotional conflicts is as intriguing to you as it is to me, please do read through the PDF file above. It's a fascinating read!
Also, remember that you can get a better handle on your emotions and pain, including the stress from unexpected tragedies, by learning the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), my most highly recommended energy psychology tool.
One of my other favorite strategies is to focus on W. Clement Stone's strategy. He was the most financially successful student of Napoleon Hill and was a billionaire in Chicago. He died at 100 years old a few years ago. He was fond of taking the position of an "inverse paranoid". He firmly believed that most of the negative events that occur in your life can be viewed from the perspective of life trying to teach you something that will ultimately improve you.
Sounds like a simple and perhaps naive approach, but it has powerful potential to transform many of the negative consequences that some of life's events will throw at you.