Monday, 22 August 2011

Query about ebook from Joy

Thanks for making your eBook available for free. I instinctively believe your theory, but await proof. One of my many questions is, if attaining enlightenment by dropping one's ego was to release all these stresses as you suggest, then why did some of the greatest guru's die from cancer?Nisargadatta Maharaj, Sri Ramana Maharshi and Ramkrishna Paramhansa are three. I just can't imagine all that meditating etc left them with cancer.
From Joy

My reply
Hi Joy, regarding proof there are abundant people who have returned to health from cancer and attribute the healing to a change of attitude and when you read stories of survivors, there is nearly always a change in their values regarding them self and what is important. My point is that healing occurs when the pattern of life is changed. The cause of cancer is stress, and I dwell on emotional stress as this is the most misunderstood and it is this stress that continually occurs and usually since before the age of five. In my book ‘Life Patterns’ I describe how the mind concludes in early childhood that “there must be something wrong with me” and that “I am nothing” this occurs in every child. It is a result of the formation of the ego and the egos separation from our true being. This “there is something wrong with me” and “I am nothing” is a wound and is the foundation for all other emotional stress. 

When one is enlightened there is little stress and so the body has no emotional resistance to health. However the ebook is about returning to health from cancer and so there is an intention and a purpose, which is to heal and be healthy. It is this intention and purpose which drives and motivates the actions. That is, there is a goal to be achieved. The enlightened people you mention and I can only conjecture generally about them:

1. They most likely had the early childhood wounds of ‘there is something wrong with me’ and ‘I am nothing’ and some other childhood traumas. Now these wounds and traumas get buried (the memories) in the unconscious and create patterns within the body. As these people grow up, what motivates them to attain enlightenment? is it because others persuade them or are they wanting freedom from their inner turmoil etc.

2. We can gain enlightenment or meditate daily and be free of daily stress, but the old traumatic pattern can still operate automatically and separately. It is operating in the body as a separate identity so to speak.

3. These enlightened people would not have feared death and would have known and lived in the now, past and future would have little impact in their world. They probably had no need or desire to heal from cancer or no intention to change the pattern of their life, for they have attained living according to their original blueprint. Without the desire to release the old emotional wounds and heal the automatic pattern, then the cancer process is still occurring.

4. They would have had no desire to change or to heal for they, depending on their underling beliefs regarding soul, karma etc. To them death is a doorway when the time is ready, walk through, to them their death is not premature.

5. Here on the Sunshine Coast we had an ex Buddhist monk, (ex because he grew beyond the confines and the label) and he ended up dying of bowel cancer. When he discovered he had cancer, he meditated very deeply and discovered unbelievable amounts of resentment towards his father that he was completely unaware of. He died shortly after.

6. Healing cancer requires the will and desire to live, it requires the decision that I mention in the book to be made and it then requires the actions to be taken.
Hope this clarifies somewhat your query.

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