In my free ebook: "The 5 Step Cancer Healing Process" download from my website!free-ebook I point out that all healing, regardless of the actions that the person takes, takes place when the existing pattern becomes invalid and stops operating. With diseases such as cancer, it is preferable to swap completely the existing pattern for a new pattern. One of health and happiness. Now this new pattern will typically be the one you were born with. In the book I explain that we all have a pattern of existence, which is like a blueprint of instructions that our unconscious mind follows and therefore our behaviours, beliefs and experience of life develops according to the instructions of the pattern.
When working one on one with a client, it is easy to establish the new pattern which stops the old pattern and the disease process and the client naturally heals, as there is no disease process or resistance. However when you do this yourself, it can be difficult to have a complete pattern transfer (which is the quickest way to heal). Because you are doing the work with yourself, you may unconsciously sabotage the work or meet with resistance. In the book I show you how to do the pattern transfer with a partner, but if you find it difficult or meet resistance, then do these intermediate steps.
1. Realise the pattern is made up of habitual conditioning (that is, years of your pattern running on automatic pilot), beliefs, limitations, ego vulnerability etc.
You change the pattern little by little. With cancer you don't want to start with too little changes, so start with limiting beliefs, which are negative beliefs that adversely impact your life, and this is explained in the book.
Or you can start with a pattern change, that is larger then changing limiting beliefs, but not as large as a complete pattern transformation, but will lead naturally to one.
It goes like this. You will be looking for your main, deepest, darkest negative emotion, that is a large part of your existing pattern. let's take for example Hate.
Let's imagine, we have someone who has hate as their major negative emotion. Now they are likely to hide this hate and not necessarily display it that often, but they feel hate often internally. Now the fact that it is a major emotion, means that it is encoded as a life saving and pro survival. This person may not consciously like hating but the unconscious mind will perceive hating as justified. The hate will be the core of a cluster of negative emotions, an automatic pattern, so to speak. The cluster may consist of blame, distrust, vulnerability and shame.
let's look as side issue, how this person may have hate as their major negative emotion. As a young child, they may have been abused, raped, bashed and as a result their brain would have concluded that they were in serious threat of dying. After surviving the event or initial event (if it was repeated) the brain, debriefs the situation and as it was a life threatening situation, the person would have concluded, that they were vulnerable and incapable of guaranteeing their survival (remember this is when they are a child). So the brain has to put in place an action plan, to prevent this happening again and therefore dying. The young child's mind will likely come up with something similar as - "I must distrust everyone (or males, or family etc depending on the situation)", this will lead to being on guard for similar occurrences and "I will (have to) hate everyone one" this guarantees to never let the guard of mistrust down. These are vows as they have absolutes in them, it allows for no flexibility. To a young mind this seems like an ideal solution. And to keep true to the vow, the memory of the event, will be attached to the statements. And so, this little pattern will be the filter the persons uses in all relating with others. Now the person will feel safe by doing this and this offsets and cost for displaying or feeling this pattern. This pattern gets entrenched year after year. This pattern is a result of an understandable and the best solution at the time, but a knee jerk reaction to a serious threat. As the person has grown, this pattern is no longer pro survival or beneficial, it severely limits the persons joyful, healthy and productive experience of life. Hate denies love, an essential ingredient to a healthy and happy life, the person will also learn to be inflexible, they will fear spontaneity, they will suffer pain and sadness and on an on it goes.
2. Back to this little pattern transformation: To discover your major negative emotion, first of all just imagine or pretend that you are totally safe and indestructible. Now, whilst feeling this, look for your major negative emotion. when you sense what it is, look at the enormous amount of negativity, pain etc it has cost you throughout your life. Sense all the heaviness, sense all the lost opportunities. Keep feeling totally safe, for that emotion thinks it is keeping you safe, when in fact it is preventing you from maturing and gaining self control. See how this emotion weakens you and creates vulnerability.
Now see this emotion and see it as the pattern that it is, it is a pattern or way of living, a way of being. Now can you see that this way of living, is slowly killing you?, this is the irritant, the stress, the wound that the healing cells (which we call cancer) are reacting to and trying to heal and absorb. is hate or life. Now with all your mind and body, make your decision. Decide with your whole body and mind and feeelll, life and living flowing into all parts of your mind and body, replacing the hate etc and feel the freedom.
After you have done this, the rest of you limiting beliefs will be on shaky foundations and you can work with these, the big ones are the concepts you have about yourself. limiting beliefs in this area that need transforming are I am worthless, I am not good enough etc.
Cheers for now,
Philip Martin
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