The Most Promising Cancer Advancement in 30 Years
...But Despite Research Validation and FDA Approval,
Cancer Industry Conceals the Findings
...But Despite Research Validation and FDA Approval,
Cancer Industry Conceals the Findings
Have you ever wondered if you have cancer? If you have, there's a simple test that detects cancer anywhere in the body with a 95% accuracy rate.
You may feel nervous about finding out whether symptom-free cancer cells are lurking in your body ... but the fact is, cancer caught early can be easily cured with safe, proven immunity-boosting supplements.
This revolutionary test detects cancer much, much earlier—up to 19 months earlier—than any other test ever developed. It could prevent tens of thousands of cancer deaths each year by catching cancer earlier, when it's still easily and safely treated.
That's why this test is considered the most promising cancer advancement in 30 years.
The doctor who developed the test was a Harvard educated neurochemist. He holds 23 medical patents and has published numerous articles in nearly every major medical journal. He was also the doctor who, in 2009, first warned the CDC about the swine flu outbreak.
Considering this doctor's impressive credentials, why has his breakthrough test not been more widely implemented?
After all, it was...
==> Supported by over 20 years of research
==> Approved by the FDA
==> Covered by Medicare
The test is also simple. It requires only a small blood sample to perform and could save countless lives each year. Yet, most general practitioners, family doctors, and even oncologists haven't heard of this test.
Keeping this test from the public seems nearly criminal, considering the tragic toll cancer takes every day.
Putting an End to Preventable Cancer Deaths
On average, cancer kills more than 1,500 people every day—and most of these deaths could be prevented if Americans had access to the early detection test. Caught at its earliest stages, cancer can be eradicated safely, naturally, and reliably using nutritional supplements instead of invasive procedures and toxic treatments.
The powerful effects of nutritional supplements against cancer are well proven. One research team that's documented these benefits extensively is based in an elite molecular oncology lab in Germany. The team's work has appeared in the film Cancer Conquest, the book Knockout: Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer, and in articles in Life Extension magazine. They've compiled extensive documentation of the incredible benefits nutritional supplements can have in the fight against cancer.
For example, two botanicals known to fight cancer include curcumin and pawpaw:
This revolutionary test detects cancer much, much earlier—up to 19 months earlier—than any other test ever developed. It could prevent tens of thousands of cancer deaths each year by catching cancer earlier, when it's still easily and safely treated.
That's why this test is considered the most promising cancer advancement in 30 years.
The doctor who developed the test was a Harvard educated neurochemist. He holds 23 medical patents and has published numerous articles in nearly every major medical journal. He was also the doctor who, in 2009, first warned the CDC about the swine flu outbreak.
Considering this doctor's impressive credentials, why has his breakthrough test not been more widely implemented?
After all, it was...
==> Supported by over 20 years of research
==> Approved by the FDA
==> Covered by Medicare
The test is also simple. It requires only a small blood sample to perform and could save countless lives each year. Yet, most general practitioners, family doctors, and even oncologists haven't heard of this test.
Keeping this test from the public seems nearly criminal, considering the tragic toll cancer takes every day.
Putting an End to Preventable Cancer Deaths
The powerful effects of nutritional supplements against cancer are well proven. One research team that's documented these benefits extensively is based in an elite molecular oncology lab in Germany. The team's work has appeared in the film Cancer Conquest, the book Knockout: Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer, and in articles in Life Extension magazine. They've compiled extensive documentation of the incredible benefits nutritional supplements can have in the fight against cancer.
For example, two botanicals known to fight cancer include curcumin and pawpaw:
A number of studies show that curcumin can actually eliminate cancer cells from the body. For as little as $8, it can be administered at levels that rival the effectiveness of chemotherapy treatment. This low-cost, natural substance can treat cancer in early stages with none of the side effects of mainstream treatments. Its effects are so powerful that many medical practitioners refer to it as "nutritional chemotherapy." | |
In a recent clinical study, 100 cancer patients who were given pawpaw extract were shown to have measurable signs of increased natural defense mechanisms during times of cellular stress. |
The bottom line is that it is completely possible to beat cancer with natural supplements and immune booster if you catch it early enough.
And the best, most reliable method of early detection already exists.
Several major studies involving more than 10,000 participants have verified the validity of this remarkable test. But greed and closed-mindedness have colluded to keep it from the public.
Life-Saving Detection Method Buried by Cancer Machine
The article referenced 3 additional reports on the breakthrough. One of those reports had analyzed the results of more than 8,000 tests. Articles on this testing method have been published in:
- The Lancet, one of the world's most respected medical journals since its inaugural publication in 1823
- Cancer Detection and Prevention, a leading journal on methods for early detection of cancer
- The Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, an independent journal devoted to studying medical advances on a cellular level
All of this research indicates that the early detection cancer test is based on solid, proven science. It works like this:
When the immune system destroys cancer cells, it produces a certain protein. The level of this protein in your blood is a direct indicator of how many cancer cells are present in your body. |
The doctor who developed the test spent 20 years studying the levels of this critical protein in the blood of cancer patients. He identified the exact turning point at which your immune system can no longer reduce cancer cell concentrations on its own— His remarkable test Identifies this earliest turning point at which cancer can still be treated quickly, easily, and naturally by boosting your own immune system.
The test is simple, fast, and amazingly reliable. A single administration of the test has an accuracy rate of 95%—and with a second administration, that accuracy rate rises to 99%.
The ugly truth is that cancer is a profitable business. By 2020, treatment and associated costs of cancer will reach a staggering $207 billion. Imagine what would happen if everyone took this simple test, caught their cancers early, and cured themselves easily with inexpensive and proven nutritional supplements? How many billions of dollars would that cost the cancer industry? And cancer isn't the only disease that could be turned around naturally if the public had full access to all information on every proven treatment already available for all conditions. Many simple, natural, and incredibly effective cures for the most common and deadly diseases already exist, but have been suppressed in the name of profit. |
Hidden Truths Too Powerful To Ignore
Ultimately, we can do little to stop unethical practices by the medical machine. Fortunately, however, you can take action to protect yourself and your loved ones. Start by watching this presentation that includes all the details on this incredible test. You'll find out the location of cancer centers that offer it and how it is administered.
You'll also hear shocking facts about other crucial medical breakthroughs, hidden cures, and uncompromised truths, such as:
A doctor who brought a heart attack victim out of a coma after her original doctor had given up hope—and how you can use the knowledge he gained to re-fuel an energy starved heart and keep it pumping smoothly for years to come. | |
How to gain complete and permanent control over diabetes, and never suffer another blood sugar spike or crash again. | |
How you can actually use salt to lower your blood pressure. | |
How to grow biologically younger by harnessing the power of a 2009 Nobel Prize-winning discovery that unlocked the genetic key to reversing aging. |
Click here to obtain all of this and more in the only consumer dossier on the cancer test too powerful to ignore.
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Posted by How to Heal Cancer
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